Member of the European Parliament

I have been elected to the European Parliament in 2014. I am a member of the Committee on Transports and Tourism and Rapporteur on the Report: “new challenges and concepts for the promotion of tourism in Europe”. I underlined the importance of transnational tourism products in promoting territorial cohesion and the availability and accessibility of online data.
I am also Member of the Delegation for Macedonia, Montenegro and Latin America. I am Rapporteur in Eurolat Assembly for relation with Latin American countries for the Report on: “Effectively implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local level”. I emphasized the importance of cooperation between administrations and municipalities on local level.
I am moreover Member Substitute in ITRE Committee where I am Shadow Rapporteur for the Report on sharing economy. I supported a common and harmonized regulatory framework at European level and the development of collaborative models.
Before becoming MEP I served as Senator in the Italian Parliament between 2013 to 2014. Furthermore, I served as Mayor of the Municipality of Pontebba in Italy from 2009 to 2014.
My duties in the Parliament are the promotion of efficient transports and involvement in the Tourism task force for sustainable tourism. I have supported activities linked to the development of tourism in rural areas, wine tourism, cycling and health tourism.
I have advocated to strengthening the role of tourism at European level.
I try to bring and transfer the best practices from the European level to my territory in Italy. Promoting a sustainable and accessible tourism is one of my priorities for improving the competitiveness of all regions in the European Union.